
Showing posts from December, 2017

Prayer rope (Чётки) Jesus prayer - android app - how to use


Prayer book Android app

Get the Prayer book offline on the Google Play store! English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Polish and Slovak language. Prayer book for Christians contains following text prayers: The Lord's Prayer - Our Father Rosary, Rosaries Chaplet of Divine mercy Ten Commandments Litany of the Holy Ghost Saint Michael Prayer Morning Offering Grace Before and After Meals Guardian Angel Prayer 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues Six things the Lord hates

Rosary Audio English for Android

Rosary for beginners - text is being read and you just follow and repeat. Very good for driving or listening while doing simple tasks in the kitchen or while traveling by bus. For version in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Polish, German, Slovak, Latin, Russian, Chinese, look below. English version  /   Rosary Audio English The Blessed Virgin Mary: I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.   Spanish version /  Rosario Santo Español Audio  Italian version /  Rosario audio Italiano  French version /  Rosaire Audio Français Offline    Portuguese version /  Rosário áudio português  Polish version /  Różaniec Audio Polski  German version /  Der Rosenkranz Audio Deutsch  Greek version /  Ροζάριο ελληνική ήχου  Slovak version /  Ruženec Audio Slovensky  Latin version /  Rosarium audio Latin ...

Rosary for Android Offline multilingual

Rosary localized to English, Italian, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Polish, Greek, Russian and Latin language.   Useful app, when you do not have physical rosary with you or when you want to learn the texts of the rosary. 15 Promises to those who recite the Rosary        

Divine Mercy Chaplet Rosary for Android

 English version: The Chaplet of The Divine Mercy The Rosary PDF Chaplet of Divine Mercy Italiano: Coroncina della Divina Misericordia Rosario Português: Terço da Misericórdia Rosário Polski: Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego Różaniec Français: Chapelet de la Miséricorde Divine Rosaire Slovensky: Korunka Božieho milosrdenstva Ruženec   Deutsch: Der Rosenkranz zur Barmherzigkeit Gottes Rosenkranz

Orthodox prayers Church Slavonic audio

List of prayers: Jesus prayer - man Jesus prayer - woman Creed Father our Hail Maria Morning prayers Evening prayers In Church Slavonic: Православные молитвы аудио: Иисусова молитва - грешного Иисусова молитва - грешную Символ Веры Отче наш Богородице Дево, радуйся утренние молитвы вечерние молитвы

Молитвы православные аудио Windows Phone

You can listen and pray original Church Slavonic prayers on Windows phone here: Молитвы православные аудио

Rosary Audio Offline for Windows Phone

Install and pray the rosary offline on Windows phone. Windows Phone English: Rosary Audio Windows Phone Spanish:  Rosario Audio Español Windows Phone Portuguese:  Rosário áudio português German:  Der Rosenkranz Audio Italian:  Rosario audio italiano French:  Rosaire Audio Français Slovak:  Ruženec Audio Slovensky Polish:  Różaniec Audio Polski 15 Promises to those who recite the Rosary Pray Rosary on Youtube Joyful Mysteries - Prayed on Mondays and Saturdays PDF Joyful Mysteries Sorrowful Mysteries - Prayed on Tuesdays and Fridays PDF Sorrowful Mysteries Text Glorious Mysteries - Prayed on Wednesdays and Sundays PDF Glorious Mysteries Luminous Mysteries - Prayed on Thursdays PDF Luminous Mysteries The Chaplet of The Divine Mercy - short version of Rosary prayed at 15:00 PDF Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Prayer - Deliverance / freedom from evil

Android app for offline praying   Deliverance from evil - text version in English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and Slovak language. Audio versions: English  Deliverance from evil French  Prière de libération du mal / audio français Italian  Preghiera Contro Ogni Male Audio Italiana Portuguese  Oração contras forças do mal Audio português Spanish  Liberación del mal / oración española audio Slovak  Modlitba za oslobodenie od zlého audio SK For  iPhone, iPad   version click here .

15 Promises to those who recite the Rosary

Rosary English Audio offline mobile app for:  Android ,  iOs ( iPhone , iPad ),  Windows Phone . The Blessed Virgin Mary promised to Saint Dominic and to all who follow that "Whatever you ask in the Rosary will be granted." She left for all Christians - Fifteen Promises to those who recite the Holy Rosary . 15 Promises to those who recite the Rosary PDF 15 Promises to those who recite the Rosary PNG image Imparted to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan: Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary , shall receive signal graces. I promise my  special protection  and the  greatest graces  to all those who shall recite the Rosary . The Rosary shall be a  powerful armor against hell , it will  destroy vice, decrease sin,  and  defeat heresies. The Rosary will  cause virtue  and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the  abundant mercy of God ; it will  withdraw the...

Links to Rosary apps

Rosary Audio English: Android: iOs (iPhone, iPad): Windows Phone: Rosario audio en español: Android: iOs (iPhone, iPad): Windows Phone: Rosario audio italiano: Android: iOs (iPhone, iPad): Windows Phone: Rosário áudio Português: Android: iOs (iPhone, iPad): Windows Phone: Rosaire audio français: Android: iOs (iPhone, iPad): Windows Phone:

Slavný růženec


Bolestný růženec


Korunka Božího milosrdenství


Radostný růženec


Christian T-shirts on Spreadshirt

Some visitors suggested the would like to have t-shirt with christian theme, so I created some designs on Spreadshirt .

Der Rosenkranz auf Deutsch, Youtube


Some other websites I am active on: Wordpress ,  Google Play , Amazon Store , Apple iTunes Store , Facebook , Twitter , Google + , Youtube , Tumblr , LinkedIn , Spreadshirt , VKontakte Basicaly this is a log book to check progress of my Java programming development over the months. Currently publishing Android apps  on Google Play Store. If you really liked my apps and would like to donate small amount, here is my PayPal  account  Thank you very much :-)

Růženec Audio Česky Offline pro Android

Růženec Audio Česky Offline si můžete zdarma stáhnout na Google Play